In this section:

See if your bank offers bill pay!


quick and easy

The Profile

Those who like things to be Quick and Easy don't want to spend a lot of time paying bills, although they do care that their bills are paid on time. They are very comfortable using check cards to shop online and prefer online banking as opposed to visiting the nearest branch. They're all about convenience, although they don't have the time or money to invest in new products or services that could make things even more convenient.

>> Find Your Bill Pay Personality

Meet Sue

Sue - Quick and EasySue likes everything Quick and Easy. If you had to sum up her Bill Pay Personality in just a few words, it would be, “Give me simplicity and give it to me now.”

For Sue, it’s all about convenience and saving time. She loves paying bills online because it only takes her about five minutes. Sue’s the kind of gal who:

  • Prefers to use her check card because it’s faster than writing a paper check
  • Has ordered from just about every restaurant in town that delivers
  • Shops and banks online because she spends all her time taking the kids to soccer practice, ballet name it
  • Wants more convenience when it comes to paying bills

Watch Sue’s Video

>> Find Your Bill Pay Personality

Pay and Receive Your Bills Online

If you like things to be Quick and Easy, try paying and receiving your bills online. While you may be content with the status quo, you'll appreciate the convenience of being able to receive eBills and pay your bills at your bank's website. Plus, you can keep track of your payments from anywhere and at any time. Signing up for eBills and online bill pay only takes a few minutes, so think about how much time and money you'll save in the long run. All you have to do is click the “Get Started” button below, search for your bank, click on your bank's name and sign up for bill pay. Paying and receiving bills online is easy and hassle-free. Go ahead, get started!

Get Started